1. 長期入院から在宅への移行
2. 心不全の増悪の予防
3. 心不全の急性増悪時治療による再入院の抑制
4. ご自宅での看取り
1. 院内での週1回の多職種による症例検討カンファレンス。YHC分類(心不全の重症度A-Dと介護度の高いもの1-5を組み合わせ、重症度が高い患者さんから多面的に問題点を解決していきます。
2. 診療レポートを作成し、情報共有を行います。訪問診療の度に、診療レポートを作成し、患者宅に保管してある在宅診療ファイルへ保存します。また緊急往診時や精神科やリハビリテーション科医師の訪問時は介護職をマネージメントするケアマネージャーや訪問看護師へ診療レポートをFAXします。
3. 地域での定期的な勉強会を開催しています。心不全治療の最新の知見や病院や在宅で苦慮した症例を多職種間で共有し、意見交換を行っています。 ⇒心不全チーム医療カンファレンス
Team Medicine for Heart Failure
A book that I made contribution has been released. One section of this book focuses on team medicine for heart failure, especially our activities of homecare for heart failure patients at our clinic.
Aims of homecare for heart failure:
1.Long term hospital stay to home
2.Preventing the progression of heart failure
3.Minimizing hospitalization from exacerbation of heart failure
4.Caregiving at home
Homecare for heart failure requires more than physician providing treatment or care. Unlike the treatment at hospital, homecare must have care from multi-talented team members to cover the patient's everyday life. Issues relating to the patient's body, function, mental, and social life need to be taken care. In this crucial situation, comprehensive care by each specialist is important to assess and solve these issues. Tackling issues as a team will minimize the burden to both patients and their families, which contribute to increased quality of life. However, there are few problems to overcome. Due to multi-talented team, the difference of the knowledge of the disease among the members could lead to misjudgment of the patient's situation. Therefore, it is very important for medical staffs to look at things from the point of caregivers to collaborate and provide the best solutions for patients and their families. Since condition of heart failure could change in a blink of an eye, communicating and sharing the patient's current condition and direction of the treatment/care among members is critical.
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