新型コロナウイルス、意思決定支援(ACP)、在宅医療 - 発熱患者への在宅診療フロー - Covid-19, Advance Care Planning, Home Medical Care


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"「COVID-19の看取り、火葬、触れることもできない、顔も見られないかもしれない最期、自分の家族だったらと思うと...。高齢者の在宅医療をうけている患者さんが、COVID-19が陽性となったときは、原則入院を考えなければなりませんが、患者さんは病院でこのような最期を迎える可能性が高く、本人も家族も到底受け入れることは難しいと思います。私も、ご納得頂く説明ができる自信がないです。 昨日のDrミーティングでも話題になりましたが、高齢のご夫婦が『一緒に死ぬなら本望です。ここに居させてください...』ということになったら、それはありなのか。



特に、在宅医療患者においては「発熱」が緊急往診の理由として最も多く、今後は新型コロナウイルス感染を念頭においた医療従事者の介入方針が必要となります。 そこには、患者の隔離やサポート以外にも、私たち医療従事者自身の安全確保、そして何より患者自身の生き方に対する価値観を尊重するという、倫理的判断を考えることが大切になります。



B医師:「指定感染症になっても、個々にACP (Advance・Care・Planning)をとり、対応していくことで、必ずしも入院は必要ないと考えます。」




本邦の新型コロナウイルス感染患者の拡大にて、高度医療機関のICUのベッドは少しずつコロナ患者で占拠されています。 これ以上の拡大は、トリアージの概念が適応される危機にも面しています。それは人工呼吸器やECMO(体外式膜型人工肺)といった高度医療行為に対するACP(参考資料2)、心肺蘇生を要する状況でのDNARについてのACP(参考資料3)がより重要になると考えられます。



1. 患者家族や訪問看護師から発熱などで連絡があった時には、管制塔看護師が対応し、当院独自の発熱トリアージツール(Fever Triage score for Home Care: FTH)を使用し、医師の往診の必要性についてトリアージを行う。またこの時にオンライン診療が可能な患者には初期対応として利用する。往診が必要と判断した際、発熱の原因が特定できない患者には、フルPPE(感染防護具:マスク・ゴーグル・キャップ・ガウン・グローブ・靴カバー)にて初期対応を行う。全身所見、採血を含めた検査などで在宅療養が継続可能である症例は、翌日にフォローの電話を行う。

2. 発熱が持続する場合、ACPを確認する。ここで重要なことは入院をするかしないかの選択ではなく、COVID-19についての適切な説明を患者家族に伝え、病状の理解を確認し、これからどのように療養を継続していきたいかを聞く、そしてPCR検査の必要性を考慮する。もし症状が軽く、自宅隔離での経過観察が可能な場合は、PCR検査は必須ではないこと。また、在宅でのPCR検査は、医療従事者の感染リスクもあるため、慎重に行うことも重要です。

3. PCR陽性だった場合、あらためてACPの確認を行う。 在宅療養希望があった場合、独りでの生活が可能であれば、入院を行わずに在宅での療養継続を検討する。その場合は、多職種での公益・倫理的な側面も考慮にいれる。必要であれば、院内外で構成される臨床倫理委員会での検討を行う。


  • 在宅でCOVID-19を疑うための補足



  • PCR検査を行うことが絶対ではないケース




  • 在宅療養の継続を考慮する症例の補足




  • 入院を考慮する症例の補足



新型コロナウイルスは、心不全や癌などとは違い、人にうつすリスクのある疾患です。わたしたち地域医療がこのウイルスと向き合い、中長期にわたり対応し続けるためには、地域医療スタッフの安全確保が大切であり、そのための感染防護を含めた適切な対策を施し、チームが通常の診療・ケアを継続できる体制を維持することが重要です。そして、住み慣れた地域で暮らす人々をみていく私たちは、ここでもACPを大切に、人生の物語を考え、合意形成を行い、悩んだときはぎりぎりまでの調整も必要です。 たとえ、地域の人々がこのような感染症に罹患したとしても、その人らしい人生をおくるために、医療でサポートし続けることが私たちの大切にしたい役割のひとつだと考えています。



  • COVID-19、厚労省による遺体の取り扱い・埋火葬に関するガイドライン >
  • COVID-19 の感染爆発時における人工呼吸器の配分を判断するプロセスについての提言 

生命・医療倫理研究会 >

  • Curtis JR, Kross EK, Stapleton RD. The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA. 2020 Mar 27 PubMed PMID: 32219360.

弓野 大

Dai Yumino, MD, PhD


Covid-19, Advance Care Planning, Home Medical Care

-Home Care Flow for Patient with Fever-

"I cannot imagine the last moment of COVID-19 patient...they cannot be sent off by their family members. If an elderly patient was tested positive for COVID-19, we basically need to consider hospitalization of the patient. However, it is highly possible that the patient may pass away under such condition and I believe it would be extremely difficult for the patient and the family members to accept the decision of hospitalization. I cannot find good words to persuade them. As we discussed on the topic of what we should do if an elderly couple request "I prefer to die if I can be on his/her side, please let me stay." Should we allow that in this situation?"

One physician stated the above during our conference after discussion of how we should treat home care elderly patients with symptoms of fever and reviewing guideline on the management of dead body in the context of COVID-19.(Ref.1)

As the COVID-19 spreads, institutions that can provide advanced care is focused from perspectives of treating more severe patients to prevent hospitals to be overwhelmed. However, we need to think about mid to long term medical infrastructure to fight this virus. For example, it is important to develop regional medical structure to support patients in recovery from the infectious disease.

The most common reason for immediate home medical care need is "fever." Now, it is important for physicians to see the patient with COVID-19 infection within our mind. It is important to keep ourselves safe from the virus to support the patients and more importantly, we must respect the way of living and values of the patients which requires ethical judgements.

During our conference, the discussion below took place.

Physician A: "if home cared patients (average of 84 years old) is tested positive for PCR test, should not they be hospitalized immediately as they are old and have comorbidities? If so, I would hesitate to conduct PCR test."

Physician B: "Even if the patient is infected, I believe that we should follow the process of ACP (Advance・Care・Planning)to decide and hospitalization is not mandatory."

Physician C: "Elderly patients and patients with comorbidities require resources to support and it would be a challenge for a family to support them. Then, under pandemic circumstances, as a general rule, I would hospitalize patients with consideration of ACP."

This is a very challenging issue.

ACP is a process to decide on the goals of treatment/care through discussions among the patient, patient family members, and medical staffs based on the patient's wishes.

As COVID-19 spread through Japan, ICU beds of advanced medical centers are occupied with COVID-19 patients. If this trend continues, there is a risk that we may need to start triaging the patients. Therefore, ACP will be critical under situation where a patient needs advanced medical care such as usage of respiratory ventilators or ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) and DNAR under cardiopulmonary resuscitation

ACP is not just for advanced medical centers, it is also critical in regional medicine for elderly, where infection control is not sufficient in this super aging society.

Here is our clinic's flow for treating home cared patients with fever. (Fig.)

  1. When we receive a call from patient family or our nurse for fever, our control-center-nurse response first using our uniquely developed triage tool Fever Triage score for Home Care: FTH) to determine the necessity of physician visit. If online medicine is possible, utilize it for initial response. If the patient needs physician visit and the cause of the fever is not identified, then we would fully equip with Personal Protective Equipment such as masks, goggles, garments, caps, gloves, shoe covers. If the patient is capable of staying home for treatment after thorough check-ups and blood test, we would follow them up with tele-nursing.

  1. If fever continues, we recheck ACP not to make decision of hospitalization, but for providing adequate explanation of COVID-19 for the family members and set a treatment goals together and consider for the necessity of PCR test. If the symptoms are not too severe and the patient can be isolated in home, PCR test is not mandatory. It is important to remind ourselves that PCR test itself can be a risk factor of infection for medical professionals.

  1. If the patient is tested positive for PCR test, then we redo ACP. If the patient wishes for home medical care and capable of living alone, then we would consider the continuation of home medical care. In this case, we must consider public benefits and ethics of multi-disciplinary members. If needed, clinical ethics committee will be held.

Here is supplement of this clinical flow for treating patients with symptoms of fever at home.

  • Supplement for suspecting COVID-19 at home
    • COVID-19 infection or suspect within care team or family members living together.
    • More than one person with fever in day services and geriatric facilities

  • PCR testing is not absolute mandatory
    • Fever relieved on the second day without any antipyretic, and symptoms improved.
    • Immediate hospitalization is necessary and accepted for admission
    • Symptoms are not too severe and follow-up can be done at home

  • Considerations for the continuation of home medical care
    • The patient does not wish for hospitalization and capable of living alone.
    • The patient does not wish for hospitalization and living only with close contacts

  • Considerations for hospitalization
    • The patient wishes for home medical care, but face difficulties living alone until the PCR test result is returned.
    • Respite hospitalization for the patient who may have had contact with infected family member.

Novel Corona Virus is different from heart failure or cancer in a way it can be transmitted to others. In order for reginal medical care to fight this disease in mid to long term, it is critical to secure the safety of the medical staffs and need to develop a structure to continue serving the patients. As we serve our community, we need to cherish ACP, think about one's life, get consensus, and make necessary adjustments. Even if someone in this community suffers from such infectious diseases, we believe that it is one of our missions to keep supporting his or her way of life through medicine


1)Guideline for management of dead body and cremation in context of COVID-19 from MHLW


2)Recommendations on the process of determining the priority of ventilators usage for COVID-19

Life/Medical ethics research


3)Curtis JR, Kross EK, Stapleton RD. The Importance of Addressing Advance Care Planning and Decisions About Do-Not-Resuscitate Orders During Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). JAMA. 2020 Mar 27 PubMed PMID: 32219360.


弓野 大

Dai Yumino, MD, PhD





